Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 09 Apr 2023


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How can a Human Incarnation in the human form be considered as God?

[Smt. M. Lavanya asked:- Shri Shirdi Sai Baba was always telling that Allah is the master (Allah Malik). Shri Shirdi Sai Baba is considered to be the Human Incarnation of God Datta. In such a case, how can a Human Incarnation in the human form be considered as God?]

Swami Replied:- God Datta is the first energetic incarnation of the unimaginable God or Parabrahman, Who is expressed to humanity. Otherwise, Parabrahman is completely unimaginable to the brain of humanity. There is no difference between God Datta and Parabrahman. Parabrahman is unmediated-unimaginable God. God Datta is mediated unimaginable God. The difference between both is the difference between a naked person and the same person clothed. The naked person cannot be seen by public, whereas, the clothed person is seen by everybody. Any Human Incarnation like Shirdi Sai Baba or Satya Sai Baba and any energetic incarnation like God Brahma or God Vishnu or God Shiva is the human medium and energetic medium merged by God Datta. God Datta homogenously merged with a selected human being becomes a Human Incarnation and the same God Datta merged with an energetic being becomes an energetic incarnation. This means that there is no difference between the ultimate God, called Parabrahman and God Datta and similarly, there is no difference between God Datta and any energetic or Human Incarnation. This means that the ultimate God Parabrahman exists in the energetic or Human Incarnation and any miracle performed by the energetic incarnation or Human Incarnation is only done by God Datta, Who is none but the unimaginable God. A miracle is an unimaginable event and the source of any miracle is only the unimaginable God. Therefore, in God Datta, in God Brahma or Vishnu or Shiva and in God Krishna or God Rama or God Sai Baba the one and the same Parabrahman or God Datta exists to do any miracle. The miraculous knowledge, miraculous love and any miraculous event belongs to the original unimaginable God only.

Hence, there is no difference between Allah and Shirdi Sai Baba. Allah is none but Parabrahman (unimaginable God) mediated in formless energetic medium. Hence, Allah is also an energetic incarnation without specific boundaries to appear as a human form. Shirdi Sai Baba is the human being with Whom God Datta (the first energetic incarnation) merged. The human being called Shirdi Sai Baba is a materialized body (matter) mixed with some inert energy (energy) and His soul is awareness, which is a specific form of inert energy functioning in a brain-nervous system. Therefore, the matter, the energy and the awareness are medium only. In fact, matter and awareness are specific forms of energy only and therefore, we can call the entire medium (body and soul of Shirdi Sai Baba plus energetic body and soul of God Datta) as Shirdi Sai Baba and Datta. Hence, Shirdi Sai Baba in Whom God Datta merged is a single component called energy in which the Parabrahman is mediated. If you look into the final picture, the Parabrahman alone is mediated in energetic medium in the case of Allah and the same Parabrahman is mediated in matter, energy and awareness (all these three are forms of energy only and hence, this medium also can be called as energy in essence). Now, this proves clearly that there is no difference between Allah and Shirdi Sai Baba. Both are one and the same Parabrahman in mediated condition.

If this is the case, why Shirdi Sai Baba is calling Allah as Master, calling Himself as the servant of Allah? When God comes as Human Incarnation to this earth, God behaves as a devotee so that He can set Himself as an ideal example for the devotees. If the Human Incarnation declares Himself as God and gets isolated from fellow human beings, the result is ego-based jealousy arising in the minds of devotees, who mistake the Human Incarnation as an ordinary human being. The human medium of God in the Human Incarnation maintains its own inherent properties because God does not interfere with the properties of the medium just like when current flows in a lean metallic wire, the property of leanness of the wire is not interfered with by the electricity flowing in it. By this, the human medium of the Human Incarnation contains all its inherent properties (like birth, death, disease, hunger, thirst, sleep etc.) like those of an ordinary human being. The aim of God behind this non-interference is that the fellow human beings can easily mix with the Human Incarnation due to the common inherent properties so that everybody clears his/her spiritual doubt without any excitation standing in a normal human ground. But, this merit unfortunately leads to a serious damage. Due to the common properties of the media of God and devotee, negligence along with ego-based jealousy develops on the Human Incarnation so that the Human Incarnation is repelled and gets rejected. Therefore, the Human Incarnation behaves as a devotee so that some importance is given by devotees towards an extraordinary devotee and at the same time, ego-based jealousy will not arise because the Human Incarnation is just treated as a human being only. Hence, every Human Incarnation behaves like a devotee with certain extraordinary level so that the defects are avoided and the merits are followed. Every Human Incarnation behaved like a devotee and established an exemplary path of devotion to the other devotees. This point is told in the Bhagavad Gita that for the sake of devotees the human form of God also must behave as a devotee (lokasaṅgrahamevā'pi saṃpaśyan kartumarhasi).
