Shri Datta Swami

 01 Jan 2025


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How can human incarnation be beyond time?

[Shri Anil asked:-  God is beyond time, however when He comes to this world in human form, how can He be beyond time?]

Swami replied:- The absolute God is beyond the creation, which is a primary relative item. This means that the items of the creation like space etc., are relatively real with reference to the absolute God. Hence, space is a primary relative item. Time is relatively real with respect to space because time is expressed through the coordinates of space. In villages, the elders used to say the time in terms of the distance moved by the sun above the horizon. In such a case, time is a very weak relatively real item with reference to God. When God comes in human form (the medium), the medium is also a relative reality being a part of the creation. Hence, God (actor) must act as per the role (medium). The God component is absolute reality whereas the human being component is only relative reality.

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