Posted on: 16 Nov 2022
Ms. Thrylokya asked: We surrender to the Sadguru since He is the contemporary human incarnation of God. How should be our behavior towards our co-devotees?
Swami replied:- You must surrender to the contemporary human incarnation of God, but, you must identify the incarnation in a correct way because at present, even a senior devotee is claiming to be the incarnation! Some devotees feel that why this Sadguru alone shall be the incarnation always and why not they become the incarnations. They think that the incarnation is a post in the service line of the Government. The junior employee feels that the senior shall retire so that the opportunity for him to become senior officer must be also fulfilled. The ego and jealousy blended with ambition based on dark ignorance spoils the devotee in course of time. Hence, if you surrender to such false incarnations, you are lost forever. Therefore, sharp analysis is very essential in order to conclude the incarnation. Incarnation must be mainly concluded on the quality of knowledge because it is the knowledge that is required for us as the guidance light. Regarding your behavior to devotees, you shall be submissive in your nature so that the other devotees will learn from you that any devotee must be egoless. You shall never show ego on the co-devotees. You shall not try to become God before your junior and innocent devotees. Self-projection is the poison that kills the life of the devotion. You shall be projected by God and you shall never project your-self. As much as you raise your self, so much you will be suppressed by God. As much as you decrease yourself, God will raise you up so much. You should not pose something extra, which you are not exactly. That is demonic nature and everybody should know that God destroys the demons.