Shri Veena Datta asked: Please explain the God and souls in three states (Refer Dr. Nikhil’s question).
Swami replied: The unimaginable God is always in one state and there is no effect of any state on Him. He is always omniscient observing the entire creation. To be omniscient He need not be omnipresent. Without being omnipresent, He can be omniscient due to His omnipotence. If one requires to be omnipresent to become omniscient, such a seer is bound by logic. God is beyond logic...
Shri P. Surya asked: “Swami! Please explain more about the word ‘Universal subjectivity’, used by Dr. Nikhil.
Swami replied: Subject means knower (kartaa or jnaataa). The process of knowing (kriyaa or Jnaanam) is the link between subject and object to be known. The object is the item known (Karma or Jneyam). Subjectivity means the experience or knowledge gained by the subject. The subject can be Unimaginable God or imaginable soul. The soul knows certain limited objects...
Shri Lakshman asked: Padamanamaskarams to Swami!! I put forth my humble question to you. This is in light of the statement made by Jesus, when the unimaginable God was leaving him, he exclaimed, “Why are you leaving me God”. In a Human Incarnation, is the soul aware of the unimaginable God at all times? Then in deep sleep is there an existence of a witness or (soul) and the witnessed (unimaginable God)? At the lotus feet of Sri Dattaswami. Regards, Lakshman
Swami replied: Awareness of unimaginable God does not mean knowledge of the nature of unimaginable God. Here, awareness means awareness of the existence of unimaginable God. The Veda says that only awareness of existence of unimaginable God is possible (asteetyeva…). Such knowledge is possible by inference. Such knowledge is not a mere theoretical knowledge...
[June 24, 2017 2nd Message] Shri Balaji asked: Namaste Swamiji. Kindly clarify the Gita verse
(ye 'py anya-devata-bhakta yajante sraddhayanvitah
te 'pi mam eva kaunteya yajanty avidhi-purvakam)
By anyadevataa, does Lord Krishna mean even energetic incarnations of God like Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva? Or is He referring only to angels like Indra etc. It is confusing in this verse whether by 'maam', He means Lord Krishna (human body) or Lord Vishnu (energetic body). In a few verses back in the same chapter, He says 'Avajaanantimaam…manusheem…' where He clearly means human body...
Swami replied: The word ‘devataa’ means energetic form or body since the root word “div” stands for light or energy whether the energetic body is of Indra or Lord Vishnu (or Lord Shiva), it means the same because in both cases the body is made of inert energy and awareness (awareness is also a specific work form of inert energy only). As far as the medium...
Dr. K.V. Prasad asked: What is the difference between Eshwara of Shankara and Hiranyagarbha of Datta Swami in the state of deep sleep?
Swami replied: In the deep sleep, imaginable relative awareness (generated by inert energy functioning in a specific nervous system) cannot exist. Of course, a part of the brain is always functioning sending signals for the sake of the functioning of various biological systems of the body and such inert activity can’t be called as awareness, which is just similar to functioning of signal lights...
Shri Balaji asked: Respected Swamiji, Kindly clarify the following 2 verses of Mundaka Upanishad: 1) MUN.3.8 (Yatha Nadhyah... Vidvaan Nama Rupaath Vimuktah Paraathparam Purusham Upaiti Divyam)
Swami Replied: This verse is specifically aimed at removal of the difference between various forms of God by reaching the innermost and ultimate unimaginable God existing in all the divine forms. Let us take God Shiva of the Shaiva followers and God Vishnu of Vaishnava followers. The difference is only between the names and forms of energetic bodies. The material of both the bodies is light energy in which awareness exists. Both the light energies along with the corresponding awareness are forms...
Dr. Nikhil asked: In the ninth chapter of Datta Veda (dated 10/01/2017), there was a discussion on the four states as mentioned in the Mandukya Upanishad. I seek a few clarifications related to it. Before posing the questions, I would like to summarize my understanding of the Upanishad. I request You to kindly confirm or correct my understanding. In the first section, the Upanishad explains that the symbol OM (AUM) indicates Brahman (God) in relation with the three stages in creation namely creation, maintenance and destruction. These three stage are represented by the three syllables ‘A’, ‘U’ and ‘M’ respectively. There is also a silence following the three syllables and this fourth non-syllable...
Swami Replied:
Original Amaatra State: All the adjectives given to the first Amaatra state clearly indicate that the state of unimaginable God is explained here very clearly. This unimaginable God enters the created item to become mediated God or incarnation. The medium must be imaginable to us so that we can indicate the unimaginable God with our finger through such known medium. The three components of the creation are awareness...
Answers to Dr. Nikhil's Questions
1) Could You please clarify the apparent differences in terminology regarding the four states from the Mandukya Upanishad?
[The terminology used by Shri Shankara and Shri Gaudapada in the discussion of the four states from the Mandukya Upanishad, differs slightly from the terminology used by You. At the macrocosmic level, the two Advaita preachers have used the terms Vaishvanara/Virat, Hiranyagarbha, Ishwara and Brahman/Atman for the A, U, M and the Turiiya states respectively. But while explaining Shri Ramanuja’s theory, You have used the terms Vishva...]
Swami replied: The fourth isolated state is not mentioned by any preacher except Datta Swami for the fear that a separate fourth state may lead to the negation of God due to His unimaginable nature. Even though Shankara showed this state separately...
[30-03-1993, 5.00 pm] Soul may be God as per Shankara. Soul may be part of God as per Ramanuja. Soul may be totally disconnected from God as per Madhva. But, the reality is that soul is awareness whereas God is unimaginable beyond awareness and hence not awareness. God is neither non-inert awareness, nor inert energy and nor inert matter. He is beyond all this imaginable creation made of matter, energy and awareness, in which both visible and invisible components exist. God is unimaginable and hence invariably invisible. But, you should not mistake God to be invisible component of imaginable creation. Light is visible component of imaginable domain (creation). X-ray is invisible component of imaginable...
[30-03-1993, 4.30 am] Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva are not only scholars but are also preachers (Gurus). A scholar always concentrates on telling the truth and condemning the false concept irrespective of the benefit or loss to the receivers. A preacher always concentrates on the immediate practical uplift of the receiver to the next step irrespective of the truth of the concept. The preacher also knows the true knowledge like the scholar. The preacher hides or twists a true concept in view of the immediate practical benefit...
[30-03-1993, 1.00 pm] Datta Swami,The fourth Preacher:The three divine preachers told one point in common, which encourages any human being at least to a very little extent that God and soul are made of the same common material called as awareness. The common material of awareness is inevitable because God is selected as the imaginable item of creation only since the existence always needs its experience as imaginable item. You can’t select unimaginable item as God, which is always beyond experience since it is always beyond any extent of even the deepest imagination. Absence of experience leads to doubt non-existence and hence, God was never said as unimaginable by the three preachers since existence of any unimaginable item...
Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, 1) Swami! In Your recent message You mentioned that this universe is infinite and its boundary is invisible but imaginable as the core is. Due to presence of unimaginable God around the boundary one will never reach the boundary of universe to see its edge. If core and edge of universe is imaginable then if a radius is drawn from center of universe to its edge, such radius shall be definable and measurable since it passes through imaginable domain. In such case the end point is also definable. Atheist may argue...
Swami Replied: 1)You cannot bring finite and infinite to the unimaginable domain (God). The reason is that you cannot make distinction between two unimaginable items since any number of unimaginable items become only one unimaginable item. Since you can distinguish infinite (universe) from finite (a tree), both these infinite...
[Objections raised by a forum user to Swami’s teachings (as propagated by a devotee)]
1) Quote: The Higher Self to you is God to me; we just use different terms. We can use any number of words to point out the ultimate reality. However, the ultimate reality is beyond the most subtle of thoughts or imagination. It is completely unimaginable.
Objection - Based on that, the remainder of your comments would then seem to demonstrate a considerable imagination. In any case, all well and good...
Swami’s replies to objections listed above are as follows: 1) Swami replied: Self means awareness. Self-awareness means awareness of thoughtless awareness, which is experienced in meditation where you dissolve all thoughts and be aware of your pure awareness. Awareness is specific work form of inert energy...
Shri Prasad asked: Can you please elaborate more regarding the entry of unimaginable God in to human form through energetic form only and not entering the human form directly?
Swami replied: First, at the very outset, I give a straight answer which is that when unimaginable God entered the first created energetic form called Datta (Narayana), then no human being or no soul in energetic body also existed to understand the entry of unimaginable God into energetic form called Datta. The explanation of the direct entry of unimaginable God into Datta...
[Answer to Shri Anil’s Question No.6 (in Message on January 10, 2016) Continues Part-3]
Shri Swami replied: When we do the scientific analysis of infinite space, Myself and the scientist should have open mind. Open mind means that both of us should not have prefixed conclusions of the concept. The analysis means the research done by both of us together with mutual co-operation like friends to find out the truth without any prejudice and bias and with firm belief that the final truth investigated by both of us will benefit both at the end. I am sure that the scientist...
[Answer to Shri Anil’s Question No.6 (in Message on January 10, 2016) Continues Part-4]
Scientist: 1) The cosmos has certain parameters of its definition like boundaries, composite of finite particles etc. What are the characteristics that you can attribute to your unimaginable domain? Even for an infinite item, we can say that it should be homogeneous without internal gaps having no boundaries around which space can exist....
Shri Swami: 1) Our single characteristic of God is only that God is unimaginable and exists. We are not bothered about finite or infinite concepts, which require spatial dimensions. We are involved in this discussion to prove that the cosmos or space is finite in the absolute sense...
[Part-2] Shri Anil asked: In the context of your answer to my previous question No. 6 (in Message on January 10, 2016), why should not we treat the energy itself as the infinite?
Shri Swami Replied: In such case, there is no God and this energy itself stands as infinite without its cause. This energy itself stands as the ultimate cause. The energy creates other forms like matter and awareness, in association of which, this whole cosmos is created with different items. Energy maintains and dissolves the cosmos finally and this is acceptable. The energy becomes the ultimate...
[2016-01-10] Reply From Shri Datta Swami to Questions from Mr. Anil: 6) God exists at the boundary of the universe. However one can never reach the boundary. That means that God is not achieved. Then atheist may argue that since he is not reaching the boundary practically then God will not even exist there at all.
Swami Replied: The boundary means one item on one side and the other different item on the other side. Boundary of the ocean means water on one side and the different soil on the other side. If on both sides water alone is present, it is no more the boundary of the ocean. If soil alone is present on both sides...
Padanamaskaram Swami; An atheist commented on Swami's knowledge as below. Bold sentences are Quotation from Swami's message, below which his questions are given. Kindly enlighten with us with Your response.
Questions from: Soluresk Dianar Turissmont (TuryCury)
Quote from Swami's message: 'Science means the perfect unbiased analysis of all the items and concepts of the imaginable creation.'
1) Objective perfection is unachievable because objective perfection is an unrealistic concept. Also, How do you know that everything was Created and wasn't just brought into existence by quantum fluxuations and energy?
Shri Swami: Whether the object is perfect or imperfect is determined by the perfect scientific analysis. Even if the object is imperfect, it is decided as imperfect by the scientific analysis. The imperfection may lie with the object but not with the analysis. We do not say that world is unreal and henc...
[Replies to Dr. Nikhil's Enquiries] Shankara stated that God has no attributes (Nirguna). Ramanuja said that God has all the good attributes (Saguna and Kalyanagunavishishta). Both these statements look contradicting each other. But, if you analyse carefully, both the statements are one and the same. The relationship or association of even a rigid quality with God is always external like the yellow thread of a married lady. The yellow thread is only externally associated and can be separable very easily. But, the yellow thread is never separated...