Shri Datta Swami

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Showing 121 to 140 of 4232 total records

Is it a sin to eat non-vegetarian food in remote deserts and snowfall areas?

Posted on: 07/05/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: People living in remote deserts and snow fall areas have no option to eat vegetarian food due to unavailability. Therefore, they consume meat. Is that a sin?]

Swami replied:- Under any circumstances, the non-vegetarian food involving killing the zoological living beings is a sin. This sin has no exemption in any time or any place. Such people can migrate to the other convenient parts of the earth, where botanical living beings are grown up well. Eating botanical living beings is not a sin since God has already given the command in the Veda (Oṣadhībhyo'nnam)...

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Why are people dying of hunger and starvation across the globe?

Posted on: 07/05/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: Swami, You told that God provides sufficient vegetarian food to each soul before its birth. Then, why are people dying out of hunger and starvation across the globe?]

Swami replied:- The starvation deaths do not take place due to lack of food in the world. These deaths take place due to the social injustice and social selfishness related to the souls. Such cases are very rare...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Thrylokya

Posted on: 07/05/2024

1. How do You justify avoiding happiness? Does bliss come under happiness?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: Swami, You told that avoiding happiness and misery are mentioned by the Gita. How do You justify avoiding happiness? Does bliss also come under happiness?]

Swami replied:- The Gita says that you should not be happy by the profit and you should not be miserable by loss (Na prahṛṣyet…- Gita). Both happiness and depression consume your energy. This is explained by the first law of thermodynamics (Q = ΔE + W). When the energy is consumed in the rise of internal energy (ΔE) happening due to happiness or misery, there is no energy (Q) leftover...

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Is it correct to call Divine Mother Durgaa as Aadishakti or Aadiparaashakti?

Posted on: 06/05/2024

[Smt. Chhandaa Chandra asked:- In one discourse, You told the subtle energy called space, which is the first creation as Aadishakti. Is it not correct to call Divine Mother Durgaa as Aadishakti or Aadiparaashakti?]

Swami replied:- Space and Durgaa are the fixed names of specific items. Space is the first energy and hence, space can be called as Aadishakti (Aadi = first, Shakti = energy). The words like Aadishakti or Aadiparaashakti are only adjective nouns, which are not fixed names (primary nouns) of any specific items. Suppose that you have switched on a light today for the first time. You can call such light as Aadishakti...

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Is finding the Sadguru a chance and following Him a choice?

Posted on: 06/05/2024

[Shri Soumyadip Mondal asked: Most respectful pronam to Swamiji, Swami ji, it is said that, "it is choice and not chance that fixes your destiny". But, finding the Sadguru is a chance and following Him is a choice - to my understanding. And the Sadguru blesses a soul bound by its deed to fix its destiny. Please correct me.]

Swami replied:- Chance means the grace of God. Choice means the desire of the soul. Many a time, both are interlinked with each other. If the desire of the soul is correct, God will always help even without the prayer...

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Can sending Rama to the forest be called a sin at all?

Posted on: 06/05/2024

Shri Soumyadip mondal asked: Along with Manthara and Kaikeyi, can king Dasaratha be held as sinner in sending Rama to forest? Or it's just a choice or destiny of Rama. Can sending Rama to forest be called as a sin...

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What is the internal essence of the Sindhuram mixture applied to Hanuman's body?

Posted on: 06/05/2024

Shri Satthi Reddy asked: Mee Paada Padmaalaku Namaskaram Swamiji. Swamiji, in Paraashara Samhitha, after punishing Shani, Hanumanji asked for a word from Shani, whoever worships Him, on Saturday, that Shani should reduce the intensity of bad fruit of soul. Please explain Swamiji about the sindhuram mixture applied to Hanumaji's body. How Shani's wounds got cured and the internal essence of Sindhuram...

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Lord Datta's Feet Darshan

Posted on: 04/05/2024

[By Shri Hrushikesh]

I wanted to share a miracle that happened many times in last 6 months. I and Karthik meet once in a week near my office to discuss Swami’s knowledge over a cup of tea. Post having tea we walk and discuss the experiences, divine discourses, and some worldly topics. During our walk we saw some human footprints along with the prints of dog paws deeply imprinted on the cement road. The cement surface is very strong...

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When you want God truly, God Himself comes to your life

Posted on: 03/05/2024

[By Smt. Chhanda]

Part 1: Life before entry of Swami

I will start this real story with a beautiful sentence “When you want God truly, God Himself comes to your life”. This has been a perfect reality in my life that has happened only by the grace of my God, His Holiness Shri Datta Swami. My life has no end to its joy as God Himself in the form of my Swami is present with me so closely. In fact, this is complete bliss for all the souls like me whoever has realized...

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Why is not God responding to souls in spite of their high devotion and worship?

Posted on: 24/04/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, in spite of so much devotion, worship and deep spiritual discussions, why is God not showing even the basic response of just speaking a word? This point is predominantly experienced in these days of Kali age. Kindly give the answer for this point.]

Swami replied:- In these days of Kali age, i) Every human being without any single exception is completely trapped in the fascination of self and the strong worldly bonds. ii) Nobody has even a trace of true fascination...

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Don't You think Advaita philosophy is a good attraction and encouragement for a beginner in spirituality?

Posted on: 20/04/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Paadanamaskaaram, Swami. On hearing the Advaita philosophy, one gets a lot of encouragement and excitation with full energy because one feels that he is God. Swami, don’t You think that this is a good attraction and encouragement of the soul to take interest in spiritual line and to get some detachment from this worldly materialism?]

Swami replied:- In order to attract a devotee to the temple, as a sort of encouragement, will you offer a bottle of wine to the devotee? The wine also gives a lot of attraction and encouragement with excitation...

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What is Your internal sense in Your following statements?

Posted on: 17/04/2024

Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Paadanamaskaram, Swami. Today is Shri Raama Navami. You told to us several times the following joke — “I have established the two most important concepts: i) Importance of the contemporary human incarnation and ii) The sacrifice of fruit of work to the contemporary human incarnation...

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Swami answers devotees' questions

Posted on: 13/04/2024

1. Can I request Your help?

[Shri Praveen asked: Hello Swami, for past four years, I had tough time in my life. I need Your guidance to overcome it. Please can I request Your help.]

Swami replied:- Everyday, for half an hour, please recite the following mantra “Shri Aanjaneya Shri Subrahmanya”. You must...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Satthi Reddy

Posted on: 13/04/2024

1. Will a debt bond develop with the girl when masturbation is done imaging her?

[Shri Satthi Reddy asked: Mee PaadaPadmalaku Namaskaram Swamiji. Swamiji, a person who is addicted to masturbation, is theoretically visualizing and creating the illusion of his or her opposite gender in mind, and with his or her hand practically releasing semen by doing so forcefully, it means he or she loses his or her energy. Will Runaanubhandha happen to that girl or boy. Please explain, Swamiji.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏]

Swami replied:- There is no debt-bond in such false imaginations...

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What is the good aim of maintaining silence in the epics, ignoring the inner scenarios?

Posted on: 13/04/2024

Smt. Sudha Rani asked: Pada Namaskaram Swami! Thank You Swami for elevating zero as valid number by adding Your kind Grace to my invalid life. Swami, All the Epics state that demons are killed by Contemporary Incarnations as they are rigid to reform, inspite of knowing the true path. How was King Dhritarastra is different from those demons and why was he exempted from Lord Krishna's mission...

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Does Kunti also have bonds with money and children?

Posted on: 13/04/2024

Smt. Sudha Rani asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Thank You Swami for granting peace in my life. Please remove my ignorance for these questions. Kunti does not seem to have putreshana and dhanesana since she accompanied the cunning King...

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What is the mission carried out by Lord Shri Venkateshwara?

Posted on: 13/04/2024

Smt. Sudha Rani asked: What is the mission carried out by the Human Incarnation, Lord Shri Venkateswara amongst Dushta Shikshana, Shista Rakshana and propagation of Gnana? The Lord in the form of Shri Venkateswara is said to have transformed into an idol, unable to bear the quarrel between His wives, Lakshmi and Padmavati. What is the meaning of this action of God? What is the truth that the Lord...

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How can we correlate Avidya, Avarana, Vikshepa, Mala and Adhyasa to understand oneness of God?

Posted on: 13/04/2024

Smt. Sudha Rani asked: Regarding current spiritual disputes, how can we correlate Avidya, Avarana, vikshepa, mala, adhyasa in the context of misunderstanding one God as a source present in all God forms of different religions...

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Please comment on the following statement by a Hindu Guru.

Posted on: 13/04/2024

Smt. Sudha Rani asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Thank You Swami for enlightening me. Swami! A Guru learnt from a Hindu spiritual mission called the Hindu nation to unite first and then to become 'Narsimha'. His idea is, currently Hindus need to face/ kill double the Hiranyakashipus, who says that he alone is God. People should only worship him, leaving behind all other God forms. Please correct this version...

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What is total sacrifice in the case of a devotee having both self-earned and ancestral properties?

Posted on: 13/04/2024

Shri Surya asked: Dear Swami, what is total sacrifice (sarva karma phala tyaga) in the case of a devotee who has both self-earned property and ancestral property? At Your Lotus feet, surya]

Swami replied:- When somebody has both ancestral and self-earned properties...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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