Miracles are supernatural events. The experiences are real and perceptible, but their cause—how they occurred—is beyond our imagination. No natural cause can satisfactorily explain such events. Science can only investigate causes that are within the reach of our mind. The cause of miracles, however, is unimaginable to us. So, we are forced to conclude that the cause of such events is unimaginable. It proves that a domain completely unimaginable to the human mind exists. This unimaginable domain itself is defined as God by the Veda (Yato vāco nivartante aprāpya manasā saha). Miracles are thus, the direct proof of the existence of an unimaginable power, which itself is God. In this sense, miracles are the very basis of spirituality.
[By Surya]
Guru Datta Shri Datta Prabhu Datta
[29-07-2023] With the salutations at the lotus feet of Swami, I would like to share my experiences with my contemporary human incarnation of Lord Datta i.e., His Holiness Shri Datta Swami. In continuation of our earlier experiences, I present some more miraculous incidents happened during our Amarnath yatra...
[By Shri Ajay]
Saving me and my wife from two accidents in a span of 15 minutes:
With salutations to the lotus feet of Shri. Datta Swami, I would like to present a miracle that recently happened to us.On 25th of July, 2023, Shri. Datta Swami along with Phani Kumar Sistla, visited our office at Guntur on His personal work. We were in the office and began recollecting numerous incidents where Shri. Datta Swami saved us from several...
[By Surya]
Guru Datta Shri Datta Prabhu Datta. With the salutations at the lotus feet of Swami, I would like to share my experiences with my contemporary human incarnation of Lord Datta i.e., His Holiness Shri Datta Swami. Recently, I along with my family visited Shiva Temple in Amarnath, Kashmir along with Shri Phani, Shri Ajay garu & family and Shri Lakshman garu & family. We experienced many miraculous incidents. Right now, I am sharing some of the experiences here.
i) Vibhuti scents: During this pilgrimage, I experienced the divine scents of Vibhuti at many places. I felt that because the pilgrimage is to Amarnath...
[By Dr. Nikhil]
Due to my spiritual inclination, I was not particularly interested in my worldly education or career. Yet, due to God’s will, I completed my Ph.D. and postdoctoral research in the US. Thereafter, I had to seek a job to support myself and my family, as instructed by Swamiji. I felt inspired to join Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham since Amma’s vision of integrating science and spirituality matched the teaching of Swamiji. Swamiji Himself is a living embodiment...
[By Shri Bharath Krishna]
Padanamaskaram Swami, I would like to recount a recent miracle, where Shri Datta Swami saved me from a major bike accident. Last week, I was going to my office on my bike at around 7am. I travel to my office every day on a 2-way road. On that particular day, a car was parked on the left side of the road, and a lorry was coming towards me...
[By Ms.Thrylokya]
Paadanamaskaaram Swami, I would like to share a miracle where You helped me in a difficult situation while doing office work. Since last few months, our team is working under pressure to meet regular deadlines. We are migrating to a different data platform to meet future requirements. Apart from regular work, we are learning the coding structure of new platform and simultaneously implementing it. In the initial testing, everything was good in my domain and all validations...
[By Smt. Chhanda Chandra]
Padanamaskaram Swami. It is my greatest fortune to feel You, my Lord, always around me and experience so many miracles in my life each and every day. And above all, it is You, who is listening directly and I am getting this opportunity to express my thankfulness through the same media. I was like an empty drum which used to sound more previously. But You have provided the required good materials...
[By Ms. Noishadha Chatterjee] With salutations to the lotus feet of my beloved Sadguru, Shri Datta Swami, I want to share an experience where Swami miraculously secured my visa appointment. Two months ago, I was blessed with the darshan of Swami for the first time along with my parents. After listening to the true knowledge of Swami, I knew that He was God in Human form. I once got a dream where I played with God Vishnu as a friend. When asked about it, Swami revealed that my devotion to God was in the form of friendship...
[By Dr. Geetha Lahari]
Paadanamaskaram Swami, I want to share a miraculous experience given by Swami to me recently regarding my job. I completed the MBBS course only by the grace of Swami. On March 5th, I gave the NEET PG entrance exam but the result was unfavourable. So, I phoned Swamiji to guide me...
[By Surya]
Guru Datta Shri Datta Prabhu Datta
With the salutations at the lotus feet of Swami, I would like to share my experiences with my contemporary human incarnation of Lord Datta i.e., His Holiness Shri Datta Swami.
Experience during my visit to abroad:
Recently, by grace of Swami I got an opportunity to go to Austria for a meeting. This very opportunity of going abroad was out of turn. My senior received the invitation for the meeting. But because he was about to retire...
[By Ms.Thrylokya]
With salutations to the lotus feet of my Sadguru, Shri Datta Swami, I want to share an experience of how much Swami loves His devotees. Few weeks ago, I suddenly started shivering on a summer afternoon. It was scorching sunny day but my body was shivering with cold. My sister, Samykya who saw this immediately put three heavy blankets upon me as I slept on bed. I could not join my office work and my team...
[By Shri Gopi Krishna]
Guru Datta, Sri Datta, Prabhu Datta. Namaste Swami ji, I would like to share a miracle that I recently experienced by the grace of Shri Datta Swami. Couple of years back, Swami protected me when I faced a crisis at my job. Back then, some of my superiors tried to remove me from my job & they wanted to favor their persons. I prayed to Swami for protection & Swami told me that He would protect...
[By Shri Lakshman Ganapathy]
Padanamaskarams Swami, I would like to share a recent miracle that happened to me by Your grace. My mother had been falling at least once a month since September 2021. In one such fall on 26/12/2021, she broke her collar bone and she was in terrible pain. Shri Phani Kumar visited us on 27/12/2021 and accompanied me to the doctor...
[By Shri Phani Kumar]
When I visited Pithapuram with three printed books written by Datta Swami, a six to seven feet tall saint appeared in the temple of Shripaada Vallabha, came to me asking for the three books saying that He was waiting for these books from a long time. The three books were: 1. Shri Datta Guru Bhagavad Gita 2. Shri Dattopanishattulu and 3. Datta Vedam. The total costs of the three books were Rs. 190. He took the three...
[By Shri PVNM Sharma]
Padanamaskaram Swami. I would like to share a recent miracle that happened to me. On 25th March, I came along with Swamiji to Hyderabad from Vijayawada. Swamiji blessed us by staying at our house for a couple of days. Since from arrival at Hyderabad, I have been suffering with mild fever, cough and related symptoms. I was taking some medicines...
[By Shri Sai Krishna Chaitanya]
Paadanamaskaram Swami, With your permission, I would like to share a divine experience that You granted me out of Your infinite kindness and love. We recently started constructing the first floor and second floor on the top of our house. Shri Veerabhadra anna informed us that, as per my father's horoscope, 27th March was an auspicious day to start the concrete floor slab...
With salutations at the Lotus feet of our Datta Swami, I would like to present a recent divine experience given by our contemporary human incarnation Shri Datta Swami. Every year we will be having LTC as a part of our service conditions. In my case three slots were pending and we decided to go on tour to Tamilnadu. I informed the same to Shri Datta Swami and Swamiji graced His permission to go on tour to Tamilnadu...
[By Dr. Nikhil and Devi]
Recently, my father passed away after a long battle with cancer and lung fibrosis. Throughout this trying time that began in 2019, I experienced the ceaseless grace of Swami. I recall that some time around November 2018, when I was speaking over the phone to Swamiji, all of a sudden, Swamiji asked me when I was planning to visit my parents in Pune. I replied that I had no plans to visit at that time since it was the middle of the academic semester...
[By Ms. Swathika]
Jai Guru Datta Swami! Padhanamaskaram Swamiji, With blessings of our beloved Swamiji, I would like to share an important experience given to me by Swamiji.
Since my school days, I was attracted to Kanchi Maha Periyava (Jagadguru Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati) by listening to His Mahimas (Miracles) daily in TV. I considered Him as my best friend and I used to share everything...
[By Ms. Swathika]
Jai Guru Datta Swami 🙏
Padanamaskaram Swamiji, I was a student at Amrita University. Throughout graduation, Ms. Thrylokya and myself were classmates and roommates. By the grace of God, I got the highest salary package in my department, along with internship, in the beginning of my final year itself. I was just 20 years old and assumed that life will be very happy thereafter. But after a year, I realised that I was more miserable than I used to be. High salary and luxurious life...