Shri Datta Swami

Miraculous Experiences of Devotees (Devotees Corner)

Showing 41 – 60 of 108 Records


Miracles are supernatural events. The experiences are real and perceptible, but their cause—how they occurred—is beyond our imagination. No natural cause can satisfactorily explain such events. Science can only investigate causes that are within the reach of our mind. The cause of miracles, however, is unimaginable to us. So, we are forced to conclude that the cause of such events is unimaginable. It proves that a domain completely unimaginable to the human mind exists. This unimaginable domain itself is defined as God by the Veda (Yato vāco nivartante aprāpya manasā saha). Miracles are thus, the direct proof of the existence of an unimaginable power, which itself is God. In this sense, miracles are the very basis of spirituality.

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Divine experiences of Shri Anil Antony

Posted on: 11/02/2023

[By Shri Anil Antony]

Blessing to visit Uttarakhand with mother: In my office, my colleagues used to go for an all-India tour by using LTC facilities. I had a wish in my mind to go to Uttarakhand and take my mother also along with me since I have not taken her to any place so far. However, due to a shortage of leaves...

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Swami appears as Lord Kalabhairava

Posted on: 11/02/2023

[By Shri Karthik & Shri Hrushikesh]

Jai Guru Datta. I would like to share a miracle that I experienced in 2019, when I was working in Noida. Back then, I had been listening to the Kalabhairava Ashtakam on repeat for nearly a week. I was immersed in the beauty of the bhajan and enjoyed it thoroughly. One evening, I was travelling from my home to another place in the city, around 30 minutes...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Hrushikesh

Posted on: 28/01/2023

[By Shri Hrushikesh]

In March 2021, my family had visited Swami to complain about me. They were frustrated with my unhealthy habits. At that time, I was not taking care of my health properly and would sleep at around 3 AM every night. Because of these habits, I used to wake up late...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Srivatsa Datta

Posted on: 21/01/2023

[By Shri Srivatsa Datta]

Before I start, I would like to thank Swami for giving me this opportunity. To be very honest, when I sat down to write about my experiences, I had no clue where to begin. As you might have heard from my father’s (Shri Suryanarayana) experience, when my mother was carrying me, she fell a couple of times but came out unharmed, and even at the time of delivery, it was either the me or her, but by Swami’s grace both of us were safe. So, miracles started happening in my life even before I was born...

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Protecting a Devotee from Severe Cold weather

Posted on: 21/01/2023

[By Dr J.S.R. Prasad]

My immunity level goes down in winter season and sometimes, it effects my health also. That is why I try to keep myself warm and take utmost care by not exposing to severe cold. On 10th of January, 2023, I got a phone call from the Controller of Examinations of Central Sanskrit University, Delhi. He requested me to visit their institution on a confidential work for two days between 14-16 January. I told him that I am frightened to come to Delhi due to the extreme cold weather as being reported in the news. But he said that the low temperatures are not constant and are varying day by day...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Anil Antony

Posted on: 15/01/2023

[By Shri Anil Antony]

Miraculous Stoppage of leakage in the flat: Around 3 years ago, there was some water seepage in the bed room of my flat in Navi Mumbai. As time passed by, the issue aggravated and continuous drops of water was falling in the master bed room from the ceiling. The plaster also fell down. The tenants were complaining...

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A devotee with just 3000 blood platelets count should be in Coma but is very normal!

Posted on: 15/01/2023

[By Shri Abhiram]

Padanamaskaram Swami. I would like to share a recent miraculous experience given to me by Swami in which He protected me from death. This happened on 22nd November 2022. It was just another day in my life and I woke up in the morning. I started brushing my teeth and some blood came out of my mouth. I thought that it must be a problem with my Gums in my mouth. So, I didn’t take it seriously...

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My Experiences with my Sadguru His Holiness Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 14/01/2023

[By Shri Suryanarayana]

Guru Datta . Shri Datta. Prabhu Datta. With the salutations at the lotus feet of Swami, I would like to share my experiences with my contemporary human incarnation of Lord Datta i.e., His Holiness Shri Datta Swami.

Shifting of my mother with severe illness from Mumbai to Kakinada: My mother suffered with lung fibrosis. The disease is that lungs lose the elasticity and so there won’t be enough oxygen through respiration. She needed Oxygen concentrator (which supplies oxygen) for 24x7. When she was in Mumbai...

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An Eye injury which cures in a month cured in just 1 day!

Posted on: 14/01/2023

[By Shri Kishore Ram]

Guru Datta Shri Datta Prabhu Datta. I would like to share a miraculous experience given by our Datta Swami to my daughter, Anagha.

A few weeks ago, my daughter and son were playing together in our apartment. They suddenly had a playful argument over a pencil while playing. When Anagha tried to forcibly take the pencil from her brother, the sharp nib of the pencil hit the eyeball of her left eye. She began to cry with pain. Her eye had become red, and a few minutes later, she came home, complaining to us of what had happened...

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Divine Experiences of Dr. Geetha Lahari

Posted on: 18/12/2022

[By Dr. Geetha Lahari]

Padanamaskaram Swami, I am Geetha Lahari. Swami had blessed me with His Darshan thrice before and it was pure blissful experience to sit before Him, to see Him and most importantly to listen the Divine Knowledge directly from Him. All this happened during my internship days of MBBS. You have clearly instructed...

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Divine Experiences of Ms. Bhanu Samykya

Posted on: 17/12/2022

[By Ms. Bhanu Samykya]

On 17th of June, 2021, Swami gave a divine opportunity of His darshan to me, my mom Smt. Sudha Rani, my aunt Smt. Anitha and my sister Ms. Thrylokya. We had a very beautiful satsang on that day till noon. My mom and aunt always wanted to do PaadaPuja for Swami and hence, they brought all the required items for it. They were waiting for Swami to allow the Paadapuja. Although Swami discourages such things, luckily Swami accepted...

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Miracle on Datta Jayanti - Swami proving Himself as Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Posted on: 11/12/2022

[By Ms.Laxmi Thrylokya]

Many devotees sent questions and requests to my email in order to get replies from Swami during the Datta Jayanti online Satsang on 7th December 2022. One email was from Smt. Chhanda Chandra asking permission to sing a Bengali song before Swami during the Satsang. The song she selected was written by Swami Vivekananda for his Sadguru Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Just before the Satsang...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Ganesh

Posted on: 04/12/2022

[By Shri Ganesh]

Jai Guru Datta, Today, I saw Swamiji’s immense grace on my career. I joined a new company near Delhi on 20th May 2022. As a customary practice, I was on probation for 6 months and after 6 months it is required to give a presentation and based on the presentation and my performance, I will be given the confirmation letter. My confirmation was on 21st November 2022 and it went smoothly because the vice president of HR...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Durgaprasad

Posted on: 26/11/2022

[By Shri Durgaprasad]

Paadanamaskaaram Swami, with your permission I would like to share my miraculous experiences, some of which are very recent. 1. Swami teaches an important lesson that one should not make fun of others. I visited Paris for a research project meeting in which many scientists from different countries also participated. In an evening dinner, all were consuming the served liquor. I humbly refused to take...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Karthik

Posted on: 20/11/2022

[By Shri Karthik]

Jai Guru Datta, I would like to share a miracle that I recently experienced by the grace of Shri Datta Swami. I got married just a few months ago in August. After the marriage, we performed a ritual known as the Satyanarayana Vratam. Swami graced our home during the Vratam and everything went very well. After the Vratam...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Pavan

Posted on: 19/11/2022

[By Shri Pavan]

Sri Guru Datta. With the Divine blessings of Sri Datta Swami, I would like to share this experience which is very personal to me and my family. This Divine miracle is known to very few close friends / devotees. We crossed the tough times financially over the years from 1993 to 2006 (from my 10th standard to my post-graduation). Due to the financial chaos at home, Sri. C.B.K. Murthy (my grandfather) accompanied me to a Junior College admission...

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Divine Experiences of Shri. Kishore Ram

Posted on: 05/11/2022

[By Shri. Kishore Ram]

Jai Guru Datta Swami. I would like to share a miraculous experience given to my daughter by Shri Datta Swami. My elder daughter, Anagha Devi, was born in 2014. Since her birth, she has suffered from many health problems like severe constipation, urinary infection, ADHD (speech delay), etc. Although her health problems were not very serious in her early years, they became more painful over time. One such health problem was her urine infection, which became serious in 2017. My daughter became frequently infected...

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Divine Experiences of Shri Diwakara Rao

Posted on: 29/10/2022

[By Shri Shri Diwakara Rao]

I Came to know about Swami in the month of October or November of 2021 through Bharath Krishna. It’s been around 1 year Since I came to know about Shri Datta Swami. If I talk about my initial days of myself, I was just a normal person without any interest in Spirituality or God and full interest in non-vegetarian food. It was 2017 when I resigned from my first job after 1 and a half years of experience. I was working in one of the public sector units on contract basis. After that I started preparing for the GATE exam which is useful to pursue higher education or to get a permeant...

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Divine Experiences of Ms. Bhanu Samykya

Posted on: 22/10/2022

[By Ms. Bhanu Samykya]

I am currently doing an internship at college as a bachelor of dental science. I have leg pain and lower-backpain which occur suddenly and irregularly. From the evening of 11th October, I started to experience leg pain but was very mild compared to previous attacks. Last year, Swami advised me to be regular to college and not to take leave unnecessarily. Swami's words are Veda itself. Therefore, I made my mind to somehow...

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Divine Experiences of Shri. Kishore Ram

Posted on: 15/10/2022

[By Shri. Kishore Ram]

Jai Guru Datta, I’m Kishore Ram. I’ve been learning Spiritual Knowledge from Shri Datta Swami since 2008. By Swami's grace, I have experienced a lot of miracles in my life. Among all these miracles, I would like to share my experience of one particular miracle that stands out the most. This miracle took place in May 2016. Back then, I was working for a bank in Pune, Maharashtra state. At that time, I used to live in a flat with two of my colleagues. As their families were based out of Mumbai, they used to go to Mumbai every weekend...

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